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Red Divider

Mountain Bike Trails in Moab

Moab is a big part of mountain biking history, and continues to be one of the most popular destinations. Networks of well maintained and mapped trails are the glorious result. Moab has a trail for every rider, from beginners who want to enjoy the scenery, to the most daring riders wanting to push their boundaries. Want a guided tour on the best of Moab's trails? We've got the guides!

Guided Mountain Biking Tours

Moab Mountain Biking Courthouse

Top Bike Trails in Moab

If you are looking for self-guided mountain biking in Moab, you have plenty of trails to choose from, and some great resources and maps for planning your adventure. Below is a quick list of the top bike trails in Moab with links to the MTB Project that has teamed up with the local Bureau of Land Management to make the trails in Moab accessible to all ability levels. While you're visiting Moab, be sure to treat the land like you live here.

Mtb Project Whole Enchilada

The Whole Enchilada: DIFFICULT

Epic 25 miles of downhill in the La Sal Mountains. Highest elevation is 11,216’ and ends at about 4,000’ by the Colorado River. This system contains 6 trails including Burro Pass, Hazard County, and the upper, lower and Porcupine Rim trails. Recommended only for experienced riders since all sections contain difficult and technical areas. More about this bike trail

Mtb Project Porcupine Rim

Porcupine Rim: DIFFICULT

This is the last section of the Whole Enchilada trail, approximately 11.5 miles. Very difficult and has several technical sections that may require riders to walk their bikes through some areas. More about this bike trail

Mtb Project Navajo Rocks


Approximate 4.4 miles of intermediate difficulty. Changing terrain, climbs and descends keep riders focus on the trail ahead. More about this bike trail

Mac Biking Courthouse Couple

Courthouse Loop/ Brand Trails: EASY INTERMEDIATE

Extensive network of trails located in the outskirts of Arches National Park. It offers easier routes for families to more difficult single-track trails for the most experienced riders; anywhere from 6 to 12 miles depending on the chosen route. More about this bike trail

Available as a guided tour

Moab Mountain Biking Dead Horse Point Singletrack 3


This area offers approximately 17 miles of single-track trails. Trails include easy, intermediate, intermediate sections with slickrock, sandy washes, and hard-packed surfaces. More about this bike trail

Available as a guided tour

Mtb Project Mag 7


Approximately 22 miles of difficult and expert riding. Highest elevation is about 6,000’ and the lowest is about 4,000’. Most of this trail is single track with an average of 5% grade, max grade is 20%. The latter sections should not be attempted by intermediates or ego-driven advanced riders - deadly falls await your first mistake on the Portal Trail! More about this bike trail

Mtb Project Bull Run


Starts the same as the Magnificent 7 (as in the first of the 7) but doesn't include the lung throbbers, and the kind of deadly drops as in the latter of the Mag 7 (ie. Portal Trail). More about this bike trail

Moab Mountain Biking Klondike

Klondike Bluffs Trails: INTERMEDIATE

Moderate to intermediate 12 miles of challenging slickrock, sandy washes, and sustained climbs. Dinosaur footprints can be found along the trail. More about this bike trail

Available as a guided tour

Moab Mountain Biking Klondike 2


The iconic Slickrock trail is very difficult and technical, approximate 10.5 miles. The trail includes steep climbs, sandy sections, and petrified dunes. More about this bike trail

Mtb Project White Rim


This 100 mile trail is recommended for experienced long-distance riders. Is best if done in 3 to 5 days with a vehicle support and overnight camping along the route. The highest elevation is approximately 6,183’ and the lowest is about 3,900’. The average grade is 2% with a max grade of about 47%. More about this bike trail

Moab Mountain Biking Klondike Pair

Bartlett Wash - Jedi Trail: INTERMEDIATE - DIFFICULT

Intermediate 12 to 16 miles of trails. Riders are required to have cardio fitness, stamina and technical riding experience. There is mostly slickrock terrain with ledges, drops and bowls. More about this bike trail

Mountain Biking Stamp

Moab: Mountain Biking Mecca

While the National Parks were still relatively empty, and the mining boom was all but forgotten by the early 1980’s, a new and unexpected renaissance was about to hit the hills of Moab. An entirely new sport called “mountain biking” marked the beginning of a Moab’s modern reputation as the “Adventure Capital of the West”.

Mountain biking was pioneered in Marin County and Crested Butte, but Moab, Utah was the place where mountain biking sparked public imagination. It was a clever ploy by Hank Barlow to launch the first issue of “Mountain Bike Magazine” with photography of people riding the new pedaled contraptions on the rolling slickrock hills with red rock cliffs and blue skies blazing in the background - a cue taken from film director John Ford perhaps? It worked; and the rest is mountain biking history.

Sun Divider

Guided Mountain Biking Tours in Moab, Utah

Moab Mountain Biking 20 15

Courthouse Loop Introductory Mountain Bike Tour

Great introductory ride overlooking vast expanses of red rock desert, including distant glimpses of the Windows section of Arches National Park. Perfect for families with younger children or novices.

  • Duration: Approximately 4.5 hrs
  • Departure Times: Varies per season
  • Season: March – November
ADULT (13+)
YOUTH (7-12)
Moab Mountain Biking 60 23

Dead Horse Point Mountain Bike Tour

Dead Horse Point State Park singletrack trail, formerly known as the Intrepid Trail is accessed from the main parking lot. The main loop spans 9 miles and offers several spectacular views along the way with rolling terrain mixed with short climbs.

  • Duration: Approximately 4.5 Hrs
  • Departure Times: Varies per season
  • Season: March – November
ADULT (13+)
YOUTH (12)
Moab Mountain Biking 16 9

Klondike Bluffs E-Mountain Biking Tour

Moderate sustained climbs on varied slickrock terrain and exciting downhill lead you to views of prehistoric dinosaur tracks and an astounding overlook or Arches National Park. Good fitness, basic shifting and braking skills will benefit the rider on Klondike Bluffs.

  • Duration: Approximately 4.5 Hrs
  • Departure Times: Varies per season
  • Season: March – November
ADULT (13+)
YOUTH (12)
Red Divider
Sun DividerFree Insiders Guide to Moab, UT

What to take, where to eat, where to stay, what to do, and a few little secrets on the side. Our Moab Insiders Guide will provide you with all the essentials for a perfect Moab experience.

Moab Insders Guide