5 Tips For Having The Best National Parks Camping Experience With Your Dog
Rebecca LeighThe National Parks are some of the best places to go camping, as there's so much to see and do. The Moab, Utah National Park has something for the whole family, including your canine members. Looking to bring your dog with you on your adventure? Here are some tips to make it easy and fun for everyone.
Check The Rules Before You Go
Before you even start planning, you need to know what the rules are when it comes to taking your dog with you. Every campground will have different rules, so check these out online first. Knowing in advance will make your trip a lot smoother.”
At National Parks, in particular, you'll often see that dogs aren't allowed on hiking trails or on ranger-led programs. As such, you'll need to know what you'll do with your dog if you want to participate in these activities. They will be allowed in campgrounds, picnic areas, paved roads, and viewpoints, though. If you want to know more about where you can take your dog in Moab, Utah, you can check the Moab Adventure Center site for info.
Consider Your Dog And Others In National Parks
If you're thinking of taking your dog with you to a National Park, you'll need to consider how they'll get along with others. In a campground you'll be sharing space with others, and so they need to be able to respect others' space too. If they are found to bark excessively, you could receive a citation.
You'll also need to consider how they'll behave around the wildlife in the parks. You should be able to control your dog so they won't cause a disturbance or put the wildlife at risk. They will always need to be wearing a collar or harness, and a lead that's no more than 6 feet long.
Bring Enough Food And Water
When packing for your camping trip, you'll be ensuring that you bring enough food for you and your family. You'll also need to ensure you're bringing enough for your dog, too. Bring enough food for the trip, as well as some extra food in case of emergencies.
As for water, you'll need to ensure that your dog has access to water whenever they need it. Have a bowl at your campsite, and bring a bottle with you when you take your dog on walks. Dog water bottles, that dispense water into an attached bowl your dog can drink from, are perfect for camping.
Pack Everything Your Dog Needs
Just like you, your dog has luggage they'll need to bring. Ensure that you pack everything that they'll need before you go.
- Your dog's packing list should include:
- A leash and collar or harness
- Enough food and water for the trip
- A first aid kit
- Dog waste bags
- A copy of your dog's vaccination records
- Bedding and extra blankets
It's important that you have everything that you need before you go on your trip. While there are stores around the Moab, Utah National Park, it's better to come prepared.
Have Safety In Mind
You'll be looking to keep yourself and your family safe when you're on your National Parks trip, and the same should be true for your dog. Before you even head to the parks, your dog should be microchipped. In the event they should get away from you, that ensures they're easily identified.
Also, it's important to be ready to handle ticks. They're a risk while camping, so check your dog regularly for them while you're there.
Finally, store all your dog's food in air tight containers, so you can avoid predators like bears coming onto your campsite at night.
These tips will help you and your dog have the best time when you're camping at the National Parks. A little bit of planning goes a long way, so you'll be able to fully enjoy your time with them and your family.
Rebecca Leigh is a writer for State Of Writing and Big Assignments. She covers pets and pet safety. She's also a blogger for Top Canadian Writers.

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